Wednesday, August 17, 2011

perfect compromise

would one
be nearly so beautiful
without the other?


ShoeBox said...

Of course not. I wonder if anyone...or complete in and of itself? My knee jerk answer would be no. But I've learned I know little and my wisdom seems to somehow dwindle and gain at the same time with my aging. Strange phenomenon.

We highlight one another, the same way sunlight highlights wheat, and the moon highlights water. We draw attention to one another with our opposition. It is beautiful.

Ruth said...

Funny how I feel looking at snow now. It's true, the contrast is what glorifies these. And the yellow and purple complementing too. And what ShoeBox said.

Just when I get used to one thing, its opposite is sure to come round the corner and say, boo. I'm learning . . . finally, little bit by little bit, to accept and almost expect it.

Lil Coyote said...

annie-i think contrast and differences are what make this world beautiful. no need for jealousy.
Ruth-yes, isn't it nice when that boo comes?
and we realize it isn't a threat after all