Friday, September 16, 2011

Baton Rouge

i hate this sky that can't decide
this broken wing, that just won't fly
i hate the things i didn't say
and the things i did
that went astray

there's a river flowing through me now
and it spills where it will
forking into cat tails
standing like soldier's tombstones

well, damn that river
and it's crazy ways
and damn the bridges
that spare you from me

and damn the light of yesterday
that illuminates today
where i fell and broke your leg

i knew a young boy once
and damn him too
and he knew a girl
who damned him one better

and i knew a highway
that knew a field
and together they conspired
to jester me to you

and i knew our name
scrawled by you in timeless sand
but if there we now went
could we find us in it?

damn the no i know
you knew

damn the ways that churn me black
the things i said
i can't take back
damn the things i didn't say, and
damn the loss of yesterday
damn this sky that can't decide
and damn this Baton Rouge

1 comment:

ShoeBox said...

Interesting how this falls into rhyme and then away. It suits the mood of the piece. Damn damn damn. Would make a great song. Can't decide...blues, or country. Maybe a combination. Jordan playing violin. My favorite line:

I knew a highway
I knew a field
and together they conspired.

But I sure hope the world can find someone else to conspire against...that the woodpecker finds another tree to play darts, that the highway always leads to a field. But I kind of like the undecided sky. If only we could leave all the drama up there.