Tuesday, September 13, 2011


says who?
oh, yeah, guess i did

well, what is sanity anyway,
in a world such as this?

this is a place that calls God love
then kills in His name
just to prove it

a place where starvation
grows like kudzu in Georgia
as billion dollar satellites play bumper cars
to get the better picture of it

we put up signs and erect fences
to claim ownership of an acre of earth, and
am i crazy to not understand, how
a person can own a piece of planet?

we kill our children
who quite readily, return the favor
and build mansions as empty tombs
turning stone into tin
only to vacation in busy campgrounds
to better bitch

i have thoughts
haven't you?
crazy ones, ones
that make me hide in myself
as in, what the fuck was that?
did any one see?

but i rarely see them through
does that make me sane
or criminally civil?

maybe we're all insane
that would explain much
and maybe I'm just a minority member,
insane beyond the loop

after all, democracy defines truth
and righteousness

i like my crazy thoughts
i like that i question theirs

i wish i could say that i have hope
that the sane will save us all
once they root out the rebels
but i fear
only the bumper cars in space
will tell the tale
and the bones and blood
won't care to listen


ShoeBox said...

Sorry, perhaps it's inappropriate, but I was smiling throughout this poem. It's so you. And also, I was thinking about it, the same thing people say about my. Lyrical. Rhythmical. Must be all that music I've poured over you. Or maybe it's always been that way and I failed to label it correctly, as if it could be labeled. Kaleidascope. There's a label. Bumper cars? Yeah well, I just took pictures of them the other day. They didn't say a word.

(I really really loved this) Piece of the planet? I just wrote a similar line.

Happily crazy like you,

Lil Coyote said...

thanks you,
yeah, i rant and rant
but nothing ever changes
isn't that insanity?

Ruth said...

I see from this that we are in a slow stew to insanity, yes.

"Criminally civil" — that's it!!