Wednesday, June 8, 2011


it's not my way, see?
but yeah, maybe that's the trouble

my way is to fill the sails full of rage and want,
bulling forward with a bone in my teeth,
while driving the tempest
and chewing the storm to bits
neath my maniacle beard of flames

Lord Nelson's flag ship gone mad
while my wake clutters with the flotsam
from a battle without victor

but today, here and now
before this horizon of unseen storms
i raise a different flag

i lift silk to the sky of challenge,
choosing the warfare of pacifism

today i anchor the schooner
and take a day sail upon the whims
of what be

i will ride easy, gentle
without compass or cannon
and go
where the waves will ride me


Ruth said...

Lifting silk can be a powerful way, sometimes more than bone and flame. This is a sea-worthy poem. Love the Lord Nelson reference.

Lil Coyote said...

thank you ruth, the flags of battle seem to hang heavy, perhaps if made of fine silk we'd war less stay scar free

ShoeBox said...

Yeah, I see.

I love the photo, the way the bottom rains watercolor. Color numbed.

Take a day sail. Sounds like a grand idea. Ride easy Rick. It's funny how you seem to be surrendering to come what may here. But you ain't. It's not your way...see? The waves ride you, not the other way around.